Central Bank Auctions
3/10/24 Results of the Latest Auctions
Auction Date Bond ISIN Unit Total Demand Allocated Yield (365 basis) Total Banks Pen. Funds, Insur. Co's & Brokers October 3, 2024 BTP-2027 (1) CL0002948207 Million of Pesos 70,000 56,000 41,000 36,000 5,000 5.08% October 3, 2024 BTP-2030 (2) CL0002454248 Million of Pesos 100,000 76,600 75,600 51,000 24,600 5.31% October 3, 2024 BTP-2040 (3) CL0002935048 Million of Pesos 100,000 92,000 90,000 - 90,000 5.16% Notes:
(1) Due on November 1, 2027
(2) Due on September 1, 2030.
(3) Due on October 1, 2040.
26/09/24 Auction Dates
Auction Date BTP BTU Million of Pesos Thousands of UFs BTP-2027 BTP-2029 BTP-2030 (R) BTP-2033 (R) BTP-2040 BTP-2056 BTU-2055 ISIN CL0002948207 CL0002951094 CL0002454248 CL0002839505 CL0002935048 CL0002948199 CL0002948918 Nemo BTP0491127 BTP0581029 BTP0470930 BTP0600433 BTP0621040 BTP0610456 BTU0281155 Venc. 01-nov-27 01-oct-2029 01-sep-2030 01-apr-2033 01-oct-40 01-abr-56 01-nov-55 01-oct-24 - 70,000 - 100,000 - 80,000 2,500 03-oct-24 70,000 (I) - 100,000 - 100,000 (I) - - 09-oct-24 - 60,000 (I) - 100,000 - 80,000 - 16-oct-24 - - 60,000 - 80,000 (I) - 1,000 22-oct-24 - 60,000 (I) - 100,000 - 80,000 - 24-oct-24 70,000 (I) - - - 100,000 (I) - - 05-nov-24 70,000 (I) - - 80,000 - - - 12-nov-24 - 80,000 (I) - - 80,000 (I) 70,000 - 19-nov-24 - - - 75,000 80,000 - - Nota:
- (R): Reopening
- (I): Exchange will be available after the auction.
- This auction calendar may be subject to modifications in the event of significant changes in market conditions. If this occurs, it will be notified in a timely manner.
Historic Debt