How is the Framework aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted by the United Nations Development Program?

The Framework explicitly contributes to 14 of the 17 SDGs with the definition of eligible categories to be financed through the issuance of Sustainable Bonds.
Each of the green sectors mentioned in the Framework document aligns with different objectives. The Clean Transportation sector contributes to the objectives of: Good Health and Well Being (Nº3); Sustainable Cities and Communities (Nº11); and Climate Action (Nº13). The Energy Efficiency sector contributes to the objectives: Affordable and Clean Energy (Nº7); Nº11 and Nº13. The Renewable Energy sector contributes to the objectives: Nº 7; Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (Nº9); and Nº 13. The Biodiversity and Marine Resources Conservation sector contributes to the objectives: No. 3; No. 13; Life Below Water (Nº14); and Life and Land (Nº15). The Water Management sector contributes to the objectives: Clean Water and Sanitation (Nº6); and Nº9. Finally, the Green Buildings sector contributes to the objectives: Nº9; No. 11; and Nº13.
The sector Support to vulnerable older adults, contributes to the SDGs End Poverty (Nº1) and Reduced Inequalities (Nº10); the sector Support for low-income families contributes to Nº1 and Nº10; Community support through job creation contributes to the Decent Work and Economic Growth objective (Nº8); the sector Support to victims of human rights to Nº10; the Access to basic housing sector contributes to Nº 11; the Access to education sector contributes to the Quality Education objective (Nº4) and Nº10; the Food Security sector to the Zero Hunger target (Nº2); the sector Access to essential health services to the objective Nº 3 and, finally, the sector Programs designed to prevent and / or alleviate the effects derived from socioeconomic crises, including through the potential effect of financing SMEs and micro-finance contributes to SDGs Nº 1 and Nº 8.
It should be noted that each of these categories has specific requirements clearly defined in the Framework document.
For more information on the alignment of the Framework, visit:
For more information on the Sustainable Development Goals, visit: