What is the “Sustainable Buildings Certification,” and what does it assess?

The "Sustainable Building Certification" (SBD) is a national system that evaluates, qualifies and certifies the environmental performance of public buildings in Chile. This evaluation system covers both new and existing buildings, for administrative, public or private use.
It is based on compliance with a set of mandatory and voluntary requirements that provide a final score. To be certified a building must comply with the mandatory requirements and achieve at least 30 points. The maximum score is 100.
The system was developed by the Chilean Construction Institute (Instituto de la Construcción) with the support and formal participation of 13 public and private institutions, gathered with the objective of encouraging the design and construction of buildings with sustainability criteria, and stimulating the market to value this type of building.
SBD is supported by the Ministry of Public Works, the Chilean Chamber of Construction, the College of Architects of Chile and the Construction Institute, which acts as an administrative entity.
For more information, visit: http://www.certificacionsustentable.cl/